
Anemia during Pregnancy

Women can develop anemia – too few red blood cell in their body - when they get pregnant, and anemia can have an effect on the baby development which is associated with slow baby growth, preterm delivery or low birth weight. 

Anemia during pregnancy can be as a result of two factors:
1. Anemia during pregnancy due to the increase in the amount of blood to support baby growth
2. Anemia can also occur from not having enough iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 and from genetic disorders such as Thalassemia.
Mild anemia that is caused by the first factor (increased volume of blood) is usually not dangerous; however, if it is iron-deficiency anemia or genetic blood disorder, it can be harmful as red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the baby. When the healthy red blood cells are not sufficient, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the baby is less, leading to slow baby growth, preterm delivery and low birth weight.
During child birth, the average amount of blood loss is approximately 500 cc and the blood loss will not exceed 1,000 cc; hence, when women have anemia, they will be very exhausted.
Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy
Dizziness or lightheadedness, weakness, fatigue, frequent sleepiness
How to take care pregnant women who have anemia
1. When pregnant women are anemic, the doctor will advise them to start taking iron supplement to increase red blood cells volume, this allows nutrients to supply to the baby better and encourage baby growth.
2. The doctor will also suggest having more foods high in iron such as nuts and seeds, green vegetables, and various types of meat including beef, pork, chicken, and liver. Fruit high in vitamin C is also recommended such as orange, lemon and guava because it has been shown to help enhance iron absorption.
For a healthy pregnancy, it is important to schedule a prenatal visit with gynecologist for physical examination and assessment to investigate whether you have the related diseases including anemia. Pregnancy is often the cause of anemia and if you are anemic, you should visit gynecologist regularly to help plan for the right and safe medical treatment.
You may find our specialist here at Women Center, Phyathai 2 Hospital
Phyathai 2 Hospital
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