
Eye Injuries or Eye Trauma

Eye injuries can result from various reasons such as accidents, exposure to chemicals or foreign objects in the eye. If you experience an eye injury, better see an ophthalmologist right away, as some of eye injuries cases can lead to vision loss.

Eye injuries range from mild to severe cases as follows:
01.Get punched, being hit, hitting your face on the ground, falling out of the car, car crash, overturned car, a direct hit on the eye with a tennis ball, football, or shuttlecock
These can cause bruising and swelling around your eye, you can take the painkiller to ease the aches and pain. Open your eye if you can in order to check if you are seeing clearly compared to another eye.  If the vision of the damaged eye is similar to another eye, it might not be dangerous. However, if it causes blurry vision, visit eye specialist immediately as it can be serious eye injuries.
02.Rubber Slingshot or Slingshots
Children like to play with slingshots or sharp objects; these objects can strike to the eyes which need emergency medical attention as it could lead to an eye bleed (hyphema). In addition, balloon can also harm the eyeball resulting from the burst balloon when the kids try to snatch the balloon from the others. Eye bleeding can occur from this burst balloon.
03.Light or flash emitted from arc welding processes.
The light emitted during arc welding can be dangerous, factory workers or workers in the garage are not only at risk of getting metal particle into the eye but also the welder's flash that can affect your eyes. Therefore, while working, it is better to wear welding goggles and face shield which can help protect the eyes from the possible accident. When splashed to the eye, metal particle could be very dangerous and you should visit the doctor instantly. If it is not convenient to visit the doctor, apply an eye ointment, place gauze pads over both eyes and take a pain reliever.
04.Acids, Alkalis or Gases
These chemicals or substances can be found in an industrial plant or chemical plant, and in laboratories. If acids or alkali chemicals splash to the eye, flush your eye with water immediately by using clean tap water with the eyes open at least 15 minutes. Afterwards, apply eye ointment that to prevent infection, place the eye pad over the affected eye and seek medical attention urgently
The most important thing is prompt and thorough rinsing of the eye as much as possible since acids and alkalis may result in blindness
05.Penetrating injuries
It is a severe eye trauma that the structures of the eye or area being lacerated or punctured in some way. The treatment is even not possible due to the rupture globe. For small lacerations, the treatment option can be sutures (stitches). However, if the injuries cause the globe to collapse, bulge, or protrude, it is very serious medical condition, often ending with the surgical procedure or enucleation by which the entire eye is removed.
Eye injuries can also result in eye infection, or a corneal laceration which corneal transplantation may be necessary. With the team of board-certified ophthalmologists, the use of advanced treatment technologies and state of the art equipment, we are ready to treat various eye injuries with warm service whether how serious they are.
You may find our specialist here at Eye Center, Phyathai 2 Hospital
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