
Migraine in Children

Like an adult, migraine can also occur to children. Migraine is known as an intense throbbing pain on just one side of the head; it is the common headache which is chronic and cannot be cured. However, migraine can be prevented and controlled. Migraine can cause pain which is often severe on just one side of the head; and can feel like a heartbeat. Some people with migraines also experience nausea and vomiting. For child, the headache symptoms will last more than 1 hour.


Which headache is considered as Migraine?
The diagnosis of migraine in child involves history taking and physical exam. Sometimes the child cannot describe symptoms properly; a medical practitioner needs to examine a patient thoroughly as headaches can be caused by several reasons such as cold, sinusitis, toothache, myopia, encephalitis, or brain tumor.
Migraine pain in child can be torture especially when migraine occurs to child who needs to adjust themselves to the school setting. Stress can lead to migraine, so the child needs to take a rest, they do not want to talk or work. If the pain often attacks, migraine can result in school performance such as falling behind their peers in school, poor overall health.
How to observe symptoms of migraine?
1. Your child often complains of headache despite being healthy and not having vision problem
2. Throbbing pain in the temples or around forehead, each attack lasts more than 1 hour.
3. Seeing bright flashing lights and smelling something before a migraine
4. A member of family has a history of migraine.
Risk Factors
1.Staying in crowded area with loud noise
2.The bodies quickly adapt their temperature to environmental conditions such as a sudden change in temperature from hot to cold
3.Not having enough rest, the child should sleep 10-12 hours per day
4.Not having breakfast which is the most important meal
5.Eating certain foods such as cheese, chocolate, coffee, pickle, seasoning powder
6.Stressful condition such as during the exam, having problem at school, being blamed
How to take care of your kids when they have migraine?
Avoid the migraine triggers such as noise, hot weather and let your child rest as soon as possible. If your child still has a headache like Paracetamol. If the headache condition is not improved, visit the hospital to find the cause. If the headache occurs often and affect daily lives, the doctor will consider using medicine to prevent the migraine attack.
You may find our specialist here at Pediatric Center, Phyathai 2 Hospital
Phyathai 2 Hospital
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