
骨科研究所 - 曼谷领先的骨科医院
我们医院是位于曼谷的世界级骨科中心,能提供与肌肉骨骼系统相关疾病的开创性治疗。我们可以提供骨骼、关节、肌肉、肌腱和神经血管的医疗护理和治疗,具备国际先进水平。我们可以提供全面的诊断和骨外科服务,同一地点一站式医疗服务,让患者就医更加方便,包括全套 X 光和其他检查设施。我们了解每位患者的需求都不同,无论他们的目标是重返工作岗位、还是提高运动表现、还是从伤病中恢复。

 - 关节置换术
 - 骨科肿瘤
 - 骨科创伤
 - 小儿骨科
 - 物理医学和康复
 - 运动医学
 - 手和手腕手术
 - 足踝手术
 - 肩和肘手术
 - 脊柱外科手术

Our Doctors

Dr.Prachan Banchasuek

Sport Medicine

Dr.Chairoj Uerpairojkit

Orthopedic Surgery

Dr.Chaisiri Chaichankul

Orthopedics Surgery, Spine Surgery

Dr. Chaiyos Chaichankul

Orthopedics Surgery, Spine Surgery

Assistant Professor Colonel Dr. Jiradech Tungrasreni

Orthopedics Surgery, Spine Surgery

Dr.Komkrit Sooksai

Sports Medicine

Dr.Nantawat Uttamo

Orthopedics Surgery, Spine Surgery

Asst.Prof.Dr.Nara Jaruwongsonti

Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Dr.Supachoke Wattnakitkrileart

Hand and Microsurgery

Assist. Prof.Dr.Nattha Kulkamthorn

Shoulder Reconstructive Surgery, Sport Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery

Asst. Prof.Dr.Norachart Sirisreetreeru

Orthopedics Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma

Prof.Dr.Panupan Songcharoen

Hand, Wrist, Elbow Surgery and Microsurgery

Dr.Thanadet Lertcharoenchoke

Orthopedics, Knee and Hip Surgery

Prof. Dr.Thanainit Chotanaphuti

Orthopedic Surgery, Arthroscopic Knee and Hip Surgery

Dr.Krit Prugsawan

Foot and Ankle Orthopedics Surgery

Dr.Pariyut Chiarapattanakom

Pediatric Orthopedics

Dr. Taweekiat Rutsameesoontarangkul

Specialty: Hip and Knee Surgery

Dr. Saradej Khuangsirikul

Orthopedic Hip and Knee Surgery

Programs & Promotions

Total Knee Replacement Robotic Assisted Surgery

Using VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solutions (VRAS) assists the orthopedics surgeon in knee replacement surgeries, making the procedure more accurate, efficient, and faster.

Arthroscopic with ACL 2 sides

The procedure involves small incisions in the knee where a surgeon inserts an arthroscope, a tiny camera, and specialized surgical instruments to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee, which is less invasive and allows patients to re

Artroscopic with ACL one side

Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction is a surgical procedure used to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee. The ACL is a vital ligament that provides stability to the knee joint

Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

Are you struggling with shoulder pain that's limiting your activities? Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat tears in the rotator cuff, which will regain your range of motion and strength

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Total knee replacement (TKR), also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which a damaged or diseased knee joint is replaced with an artificial joint (prosthesis). This surgery is typically performed on patients with severe osteoarthritis,

Total Knee Replacement Robotic Assisted Surgery

Total Knee Replacement Robotic Assisted Surgery allows the surgeon to perform the surgery with more precision, flexibility and control than conventional techniques

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery for Expatriate

A common procedure performed to repair or reconstruct a torn ACL, which is a major ligament in the knee