
当乳腺细胞开始异常生长时,异常细胞形成肿块或肿块;它可以成为乳腺癌,这是女性中最常见的癌症。 因此,由乳房护理专家进行乳房检查非常重要,早期发现可以挽救女性的生命。在帕亚泰2医院,我们为女性提供从筛查,诊断到手术治疗的乳房护理以及先进的成像和诊断技术




   - 乳房筛查和诊断

   - 乳腺活检(超声引导)

   - 细针抽吸

   - 肿块切除术

   - 乳房切除术

Our Doctors

Dr.Komol Preechasanongkit

Breast Care, Breast Surgery

Dr.Oradee Phadtanaanake

Breast Care, Breast Surgery

Dr.Sarun Lertsatittanakron

Breast Surgery Oncology

Programs & Promotions

Excisional Breast Biopsy under General Anesthesia with One Hospital Stay

An excisional breast biopsy is a surgical procedure to remove a suspicious lump or abnormal area in the breast, , used to determine if a breast abnormality is cancerous or benign

Excisional Breast Biopsy under General Anesthesia as a Day Case

An excisional breast biopsy is a surgical procedure where the entire suspicious lump or area of abnormal tissue in the breast is removed for examination under a microscope, used to determine if a breast abnormality is cancerous or benign

Mastectomy with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

Mastectomy with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) is the surgical removal of one or both breasts. When combined with a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), it allows for the assessment of whether cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Breast Conservative Therapy Program

Breast Conservative Therapy (BCT) is a treatment approach for breast cancer that aims to remove the cancerous tumor while preserving as much of the breast as possible.