3D Laparoscopic surgery for treatment of woman disease

Although 2D Laparoscopic surgery is effective and provides satisfactory result, the development of medical industry aims to treat patients back to normal as much as possible, so laparoscopic surgery has been improved from 2D to 3D which will present images in wide angles, long angles, and depth angles, allowing the treating doctor to see different images clearly and able to treat a variety of diseases. Dr.Aranya Yantapant, expertise gynecologic surgeon of Phyathai 2 International Hospital as an experience surgeon in genecology will educate us on this innovation.
3D technology mechanism of more depth perception
The working mechanism of 3D laparoscopic surgery is similar to 2D laparoscopic surgery. Therefore, the preparation to the surgery of the patient is not different, only the surgeon have to wear glasses similar to when watching a 3D movie in order to be able to see images at a deeper angle. Three incisions are made on the abdomen; each incision is around 1 centimeter. For incision that the endoscope will be inserted will not be more than 2 centimeter. Following that, the surgeon will insert 3D endoscope and start the surgery until completion. 3D laparoscopic surgery will give the clear picture in Full-HD resolution and can be broadcast live to other conference rooms for medical students or other professionals to study such surgery or discuss and make recommendation to improve the next surgery. Participants watching the live broadcast must wear 3D glasses as well.
Highlights of 3D laparoscopic surgery
3D Laparoscopic surgery is considered new technology that is very significant to medical industry because it is the medical device that is beneficial to the patient. 3D Laparoscopic surgery enables the surgeon to view the different images more clearly. Previously, when using 2D laparoscopic surgery, only the width and the length of the image could be seen, but you will not view the depth. Therefore, surgery that requires delicate work or surgery in a complex area may cause errors.
However, with 3D endoscope, the surgeon will be able to view the images in width, length and depth, thus reducing the problem of surgery in complicated area and reducing errors that may occur during the surgery. The doctors who are not familiar with 2D laparoscopic surgery, when they try using 3D laparoscopic surgery, they will have more expertise and the surgery will be more precise. The wound size will be smaller, the surgical duration and recovery time are also shorter. Some patients who undergo 3D laparoscopic surgery can go back to work or spend a normal life immediately on the next day after the surgery. In addition, as the wound size is smaller not over 2 centimeter, it helps reduce complications. Therefore, it is considered beneficial to those who have daily income, and it is suitable for the conditions of Thai society, which nowadays has become a single family. Each person has a lot of responsibility, so they cannot take a long vacation for recovery. Phyathai hospital would like 3D laparoscopic to be accessible to people at all levels. It is also worthwhile when compared with efficiency obtained from this kind of surgery.
Dr.Aranya Yantapant
Gynecologic Surgeon
Women Center, Phyathai 2 Hospital