Severe pancreatitis may lead to death

If you experience severe abdominal pain, your body might be signaling an emergency that you could be in the early stages of acute pancreatitis. Do not ignore it; you should see a doctor for prompt diagnosis, as it might be a silent danger that you are unaware of.
Dr.Sutdhachit Linananda, a surgeon who specializes in laparoscopic surgery and is a chief of advance minimally invasive surgery center of Phyathai 2 Hospital mentioned on pancreatitis that “the treatment is quite complicated and required a long time. If left untreated for a long time, it may lead to death.
“Pancreas” the organ that play an important role to your body
Many people know the liver has only one and it is the largest solid organ in the body. It functions like the body's waste or toxin disposal factory. It also plays a role in immune system function and stores essential minerals. For the pancreas, it is located at the beginning of the small intestine. Despite its small size, it produces digestive enzymes that help break down proteins while we eat. Importantly, the pancreas also regulates blood sugar levels.
Severe pancreatitis, the hidden danger in the body
Pancreatitis presents with severe abdominal pain and is considered one of the primary abdominal emergencies associated with intense pain. Pancreatic diseases can be broadly classified into two major categories:
2.Various types of tumors
Pancreatitis is caused by two main factors:
1.Gallstones that have fallen from the gallbladder, leading to pancreatitis.
2.The consumption of alcoholic beverages
The most dangerous condition is the continuous inflammation that leads to infection, which can extend to the branches of two major blood vessels. If these vessels rupture, it is akin to the rupture of the aorta, resulting in the patient's death within a few minutes.
Specialized treatment of “Severe Pancreatitis”  
Bowel Rest
• Fasting
• Administering IV fluids to solve various potential complications
• Providing intravenous nutrition (only in cases where the patient is severely affected)
• If there is an increasing severity, it is necessary to drain the infection from the affected area

In the past, without advanced medical innovations, immediate surgery was necessary to remove the waste, posing a risk of perforating the arteries. This was a leading cause of death during surgery, making it quite dangerous
Innovative treatment of severe pancreatitis that is safer.
Currently, Phyathai 2 Hospital has an innovative treatment of severe pancreatitis which is called minimally invasive surgery. With this kind of surgery, the patient will have less pain. Instead of draining the infection through major surgery, it is now done by inserting a tube. Once the tube is inserted, it can be expanded, and a small camera can be introduced, allowing the surgeon to see the entire procedure via the camera. This makes the process much safer for the surrounding blood vessels.
The Phyathai Hospital network has brought together medical specialists to develop and compile the highest level of treatment, now available at Phyathai 2 Hospital, known as the Flagship Hospital. Therefore, if you feel unwell, think of Phyathai 2 Hospital, which has specialists in all areas.