Vocal Cord Weakness

Nowadays Thai society has already stepped into aging society. Therefore, degenerative diseases or ailments experienced by older adults are more common whether it is decreased hearing quality of the ear, knee osteoarthritis that causes pain or the problem that many people overlook such as the change of pronunciation because they think it is a normal problem or it is a problem that cannot be solved. In medical aspect, vocal cord weakness or voice change due to aging can be treated.
What are the causes of vocal cord weakness?
In cases the patient does not have any other pathological problems; weakened vocal cord can be caused by
    -   Not use, or have not spoken for a long period of time
    -   Side effects from respiratory infections
    -   Accidents that occur in head or neck area which affect the voice and make the voice change
What is the characteristic of vocal cord weakness?
When vocal cords are weak, vocal cords that are normally closed properly do not close completely or in some cases, vocal cords may move less on one or both sides which cause reduction in speech volume, tiring when talking for a long time and inability to increase pitch. It also causes the problem of easily choking when drinking water or swallowing food. Generally this problem can be solved by frequent practice of talking to make vocal cord muscle strong as before. However, if the patients have the problem both on speech and frequent choking, it needs to be resolved quickly by the surgical procedure from the doctor.
Technique of vocal fold surgery from vocal cord weakness
1. Tightening or pulling the vocal cords tighter to make functional vocal fold to close properly (Voice Lift, Vocal Fold Medialization)
2. Microscopic surgery – it is the treatment by inject filler material that is used in cosmetic surgery into the weakened vocal cord to give back strength or other material from patient’s body such as fat on the abdomen area to inject into the vocal cord instead
3. Thyroplasty Type I or Medialization of True Vocal Fold which is often performed in the severe case of vocal cord weakness resulting in the pronunciation problem and severe choking. It is the surgery on the neck area in which the implant is placed to move the vocal cord into proper position permanently. This kind of surgery may be done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia but the patient needs one night hospitalization.
Vocal cord surgery will help both voice changes from weakness of vocal cord and reduce the frequent occurrence of choking. Better consult the physician, do not leave it untreated because choking is dangerous than we think.