Heart Center

Specialty: Cardiology

Dr. Nattanun Prasassarakich

• MD., Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn Univeristy, Bangkok, Thailand, 1971-1977

Board Certification

• Diploma of the Thai Board of Cardiology, The Medical Council of Thailand, 1979

• Board certified in Internal Medicine MRCP (T), 1983
Certification and Training

• Certificate in Training Laser Angioplasty, Arkansus, U.S.A.

• Training in Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting, Netherlands

Clinic Hours

• Monday 11.00-14.30 hours

• Wednesday, Thursday 10.30-15.00 hours

• Friday 10.00-15.00 hours

• Sunday 09.30-12.30 hours.