
Check for sure to find out what types of headaches you are having. Your body is telling you something

Headache is a common symptom. It has many causes such as stress, migraine, dementia, brain tumor and even stroke. So, how do you tell what is the cause behind your headaches? The type of the headache helps you perform a preliminary assessment to correctly alleviate your symptoms by yourself. 

Pain around the head means the body is potentially sending signals of “stress”.
The most common cause of headache is stress, followed by insufficient rest or overuse of your eyes. It can cause the muscles around the head muscles become tense or contract. Pain can occur on the forehead and extend to both temples and radiate down to the back of the head, base of the neck and shoulders. Headaches frequently occur all day long or even up to a week long.
Stress-induced headaches can be alleviated by using these techniques!
You should rest and stop worrying about work and other matters that cause you stress to allow your brain to relax and to reduce muscles contraction. In addition, you should take a pain medication to provide symptom relief.
  • Pain at the temple on only one side means the body is sending you signals of “migraine.”
Everybody wants to say good-bye to migraine because it is a type of headache famous for being incredibly torturous. Once you have it, it is difficult to control the pain. Migraine pain symptoms often involve throbbing pain on just one side of the temples. The pain might alternate sides between the left and the right and travel down to the eye sockets. It can also cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness, and exposure to stimuli like intense light and noises and strong smells can intensify the headache symptoms.
Migraine headaches can be alleviated by using these techniques!
Migraine headaches can be relieved by taking pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol. However, for migraines caused by electrical brain wave abnormalities, if they become more severe or chronic in nature, you should consult a brain and nervous system medical specialist. 
  • Headache at the cheeks and the middle of the face means the body is sending you signals of “sinusitis”.
This is because pain at the sinuses is caused by sinusitis. At the center of your face, you can feel intense pain from the cheek bones to the forehead and the nose bridge and between the brows and eyes. Pain caused by sinusitis is usually accompanied by chronic cold-like symptoms such as breathing difficulty, coughs, sore throat, green nasal discharges, fever and fatigue.

Sinusitis-caused headaches can be alleviated by using these techniques!

Pain is caused by viral or bacterial infection of the sinuses. Therefore, you should frequently use saline water to rinse the nose to clean the sinuses. However, if the infection is caused by bacteria, you might have to also take an antibiotic. Consult a doctor if symptoms are chronic or severe.
  • Headache, earache and jaw pain means that the body is sending you signals of “temporomandibular disorder”.
Pain of the ears, jaw and mandible, especially in the morning after waking up, inability to open the mouth and difficulty chewing food are potential signs of injuries related to jaw muscles or joints or teeth grinding.
Jaw-muscle-related headaches can be alleviated by using these techniques!
Preliminary treatment is by applying warm water to the affected area for about 20 minutes. Apply up to 3-5 times per day and take medications to provide relief from pain. You should also eat soft food and avoid chewing gum and biting on hard objects.
  • Sudden intense headache means the body is potentially sending you signals of a dangerous brain disease.
Beware of severe headaches on one side and severe headaches around the eyes that occur suddenly without any prior onset, including prolonged headaches, intermittent headaches, blurred vision, double vision, numbness, weakness, fever and stiffness of the neck, which can be potential signs of abnormalities of the meninges or the hypothalamus and create risk for severe brain diseases like brain tumors and stroke.
Whenever there is sudden onset of severe headache, you should neither be hesitant nor idle by thinking that it is harmless. Rather, we recommend that you seek immediate medical attention. Even if the headache symptom has occurred only once, it can be a sign of your nervous system being damaged. As a result, going to see the doctor can help provide you with an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.
You may find our specialist here at Neurological Center, Phyathai 2 Hospital
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