Robotic Assisted Surgery for Total Knee Replacement

On 4th October 2022, Phyathai 2 Hospital held a press conference to introduce “Robotic Assisted Surgery” led by Dr. Anantasak Apairatana, Chief Medical Officer of Phyathai and Paolo Hospital Group and Hospital Executive Director of Phyathai 2 Hospital. The main speaker of the press conference is Prof. Dr.Thanainit Chotanaphuti, who is the director of Trauma and Orthopedics Institute of Phyathai and Paolo Hospital Group.
During the press conference, our orthopedic surgeon has demonstrated how to perform Total Knee Replacement, emphasizing on the innovation of Robotics Assisted Surgery. Robotics Assisted Surgery enables the surgeon to perform the surgery such as Total Knee Replacement with more precision, flexibility and control than conventional techniques. Hence, Robotic Assisted Surgery approach will result in decreased problem of knee in the elderly patients, improving their quality of life and enable them move their knee freely.