Smart Plus Check Up

6,500 THB | Expiry Date 31 March 2025

The package is suitable for individual aged 20 years old and 30 years old

Test Items

1.   Physical examination

2.   Vital Signs

3.   Chest X-Ray

4.   Electrocardiography (EKG)

5.   Ultrasound whole abdomen

6.   Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)

7.   Diabetes Monitoring- HbA1c

8.   Kidney Function Test - Creatinine plus eGFR

9.   Uric acid

10.  Lipid Profile- Cholesterol

11.  Lipid Profie- Triglyceride

12.  Lipid Profile- HDL-Cholesterol

13.  Lipid Profile- LDL-Choesterol

14.  Liver Function Test- SGPT

15.  Liver Function Test- Alk Phosphatase

16.  Complete Blood Count (CBC)

17.  Urine Examination (UA)

18.  Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

19.  Liver cancer screening- AFP

20.  GI Cancer screening-  CEA

Terms and Conditions

1. Please make an appointment in advance via email: or Line OA: pt2_inter.

2. Please refrain from eating and drinking at least 8 hours before check-up time, a sip of water is allowed.

3. The package is available at Health Promotion Center, 8th Floor, Building B from 08.00-16.00 hours.

4. The package includes doctor fee, nursing chrges and hospital charges as well as check-up report and meal voucher.

5. The package is valid now until 31 March 2025.