Exclusive Stroke for Male
24,000 THB | Expiry Date 31 March 2025
The comprehensive check-up program that includes MRI brain to determine stroke.
Test Items
1. Physical examination
2. Vital Signs
3. Chest X-Ray
4. Electrocardiography (EKG)
5. Ultrasound whole abdomen
6. Ankle Bracial index (ABI)
7. MRI Brain
8. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
9. Diabetes Monitoring (HbA1c)
10. Kidney Function Test (BUN)
11. Kidney Function Test (Creatinine plus eGFR)
12. Uric acid
13. Lipid Profile- Cholesterol
14. Lipid Profie- Triglyceride
15. Lipid Profile- HDL-Cholesterol
16. Lipid Profile- LDL-Choesterol
17. Liver Function Test- SGOT
18. Liver Function Test- SGPT
19. Liver Function Test- Alk Phosphatase
20. Liver Function Test- Total Protein
21. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
22. Urine Examination (UA)
23. Thyroid Screening- FT4
24. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
25. Liver Cancer Screening- AFP
26. GI Cancer Screening- CEA
27. Prostate-spefific antigen (PSA
28. Influenza vaccine
Terms and Conditions
1. Please make an appointment in advance via email: onestop@phyathai.com or Line OA: pt2_inter.
2. Please refrain from eating and drinking at least 8 hours before check-up time, a sip of water is allowed.
3. The package is available at Health Promotion Center, 8th Floor, Building B from 08.00-16.00 hours.
4. The package includes doctor fee, nursing chrges and hospital charges as well as check-up report and meal voucher.
5. The package is valid now until 31 March 2025.