GI and Liver Center Special Package
Starts from 2,500 THB | Expiry Date 31 December 2024
GI and Liver Center Special Package is available to assess your GI and Liver problems which includes Fibroscan, Urea Breath Test and PH Monitoring Manometry
Starts from 2,500 THB | Expiry Date 31 December 2024
GI and Liver Center Special Package is available to assess your GI and Liver problems which includes Fibroscan, Urea Breath Test and PH Monitoring Manometry
ESWL is a minimally invasive option for treating kidney stones, it can be done both as an out-patient, or in-patient basis which often provide fast recovery compared to traditional surgery
The comprehensive check-up program that includes MRI brain to determine stroke.
The comprehensive check-up program that includes MRI brain to determine stroke.